e c o s s c o n s u l t i n g

HR Advisory Services

Human resources are the backbone of a successful organisation in the ever-evolving corporate landscape. ECOSS Consulting takes pride in offering top-tier HR Advisory solutions tailored to diverse businesses’ needs. From strategic planning to addressing immediate HR challenges, our expertise ensures that companies can focus on growth while we handle the intricate world of human resource management..

Building Strong Teams

The right blend of talent can make or break a company’s success. At ECOSS Consulting, we recognise the parallel between effective portfolio management and HR recruitment.


Talent Sourcing

We utilise advanced tools and a vast network to source candidates that fit your company culture and business needs.


Skill Assessment

By using a combination of psychometric tests, interviews, and role-playing scenarios, we ensure potential hires not only fit the required profile but can adapt and grow with your business.


Continuous Learning

Post-hire, our programs focus on continual learning and skill enhancement to ensure teams remain versatile and up-to-date with industry trends.


Strategic Role Allocation

The key to productivity is ensuring everyone is in the right place. This is as crucial as asset allocation in finance.


Role Evaluation

We thoroughly review every role, ensuring it aligns with business goals and maximises individual potential.


Talent-to-Role Mapping

Our unique approach ensures every employee is in a position that utilises their strengths, ensuring satisfaction and productivity.


Succession Planning

We ensure business continuity and growth by preparing employees for future leadership roles.


Minimising HR Risks

Challenges in HR can have far-reaching consequences. Our strategies are built to anticipate these challenges and provide solutions.


Compliance Audits

Our team stays updated with local and international employment laws, ensuring your policies are compliant, thus reducing legal risks.


Conflict Resolution

Using proven mediation techniques, we resolve internal disputes before they escalate, fostering a positive working environment.


Training and Workshops

From sensitivity training to ethical business conduct, we offer workshops to ensure your team is prepared to handle any challenge.

Framework for Success

The foundation of any organisation’s success is its policies. We create frameworks that set you up for success.


Policy Design

Our experts craft compliant, flexible policies adapting to the evolving corporate landscape.


Implementation Support

Beyond just designing, we support businesses implementing these policies, ensuring a smooth transition.


Feedback Loop

We establish mechanisms to gather employee feedback on policies, ensuring they remain relevant and practical.



Our Message

HR is about more than just hiring and letting people go in the modern business world. It’s about developing an environment where employees can thrive, and businesses can achieve their goals. ECOSS Consulting’s HR Advisory Solutions are comprehensive, innovative, and tailored to your needs, ensuring that your human resource challenges are addressed effectively and efficiently. Trust us to be your partner in paving the way for your organisation’s success.